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1. Product Mix Decisions

Product mix is the set of all product lines & items

Product line is a group of products within a product mix that are closely related (e.g. they function in a similar manner, are sold to the same customer group, are marketed through the same types of outlets, or fall within given price ranges).

Product item is a distinct group within a product line that is distinguishable (by size, price, appearance, or some other attribute).

Width refers to how many different product lines are carried

Depth (length) refers to the number of items or brands in total.

Consistency of the product mix refers to how closely related the various product lines are (end use, production requirrements, or distribution channel, etc.).

2. Product Line Decisions

Each product line needs a marketing strategy

Various items contribute different amounts to sales & profits (20-80 rule).

How is product line positioned against competitor's product lines.

Line Length (Depth) relates to:

company's objectives

search for more volume & profit

manufacturing capacity

Line-Stretching Decision

Downward stretch (establish at the high end & add products to the lower end). Risks are that the low-end might cannibalise high-end items, provoking competitors to counteract by moving into the higher end, dealers are not willing or able to handle the lower end.

Upward stretch (position at the lower end & enter the higher end)

(a) Faster growth rate or higher margins at the upper end

(b) Position as a full-line manufacturer

Two-way stretch (strongly position in the midrange & go after market dominance in both directions.

Line-Filling Decisions

Line lengthened by adding more items within the present range

Line filling can be overdone (cannibalisation & customer confusion).

Line Modernisation Decisions

Line-Featuring Decisions. Select one or a few items for special featuring to draw attention to the line.

3. Product Item Decisions

Core product answers 'why is buyer really buying?' and deals with benefits.

Tangible product has five characteristics (quality level, features, styling, a brand name & packaging).

Augmented product includes additional services & benefits (e.g. personal attention, delivery, money-back guarantee).

types of products

Nondurable goods are tangible goods normally consumed in one or a few uses.

Durable goods are tangible goods that normally survive many uses.

Services are activities, benefits or satisfactions that are offered for sale.

Convenience goods are purchased frequently, immediately and with the minimum of effort in comparison & buying (e.g. staples, impulse & emergency).

Shopping goods are goods that the consumer compares on such bases as suitability, quality, price and style

Homogenous goods (similar in quality but different in price)

Heterogenous goods (other qualities of the product rather than the price are important).

Specialty goods (unique characteristics and/or brand identification for which a significant group of buyers are habitually willing to make a special purchasing effort).

4. Brand Decisions

A brand is a name, term, symbol, design or a combination of them which is intended to identify the goods & services of one seller or group of sellers & to differentiate them from those of competitors (includes brand name, brand mark (symbol, design or distinctive colouring or lettering), trademark, copyright.

Buyer's viewpoint

Important information source (buyer benefits, product's quality).

Increased shopping efficiency

Call attention to new products.

Seller's viewpoint - To handle orders, track down problems, legal protection, to attract a loyal set of customers.

Society's viewpoint 

higher quality, innovation & shopper efficiency.

unnecessary differentiation, higher consumer prices & status consciousness.

Brand Sponsor Decision - Three options (manufacturer's brand, private brand, both)

Brand Quality Decision (one of the major positioning tools)

Family Brand Decision

Four brand name strategies:

(a) Individual brand names (Unilever)

(b) A blanket family name for all products (GE)

(c) Separate family names for all products (Coles)

(d) Company trade name combined with individual product names (Kellogg's).

Desirable qualities for a brand name are:

(a) It should suggest something about the product's benefits

(b) It should suggest product qualities such as action or colour

(c) It should be easy to pronounce, spell & remember

(d) It should be distinctive.

Brand Extension Decision (use of a successful brand name to launch product modifications or additional products).

Multibrand Decision

Develops brands that compete with each other.

Brand Repositioning Strategy.

5. Packaging Decisions

Packaging is defined as activities involved in designing & producing the container or wrapper for a product.

Labelling refers to printed information appearing on or with the package that describes the product.

Self-service (package must perform many sales tasks).

Consumer affluence (consumers are willing to pay more for packaging).

Company & brand image can be enhanced by packaging.

Must establish packaging concept.

Decision on component elements must be made.

Must be tested.

6. Service Decisions

First task is to survey customers

Customers expect service in product offer, amount and quality.

Should survey customers periodically.

How to price the service.

How to provide the repair service.

Customer service

All these services should be co-ordinated & used as tools in creating customer satisfaction & loyalty.

Complaints & adjustments

Credit service

Maintenance service

Technical service

Information service

Copyright © 2000 Genesis Management Services Pty Ltd
Last modified: July 28, 2006